Note this currently applies as a workaround for v0.1, in future updates we will make it more user friendly and update this article.
To connect to a mining pool that requires a password eg.
Fill in your wallet details with a colon at the end followed by your password.
For example in the case of moneroocean.steam
Server: stratum://
Replace XMRWALLET with your wallet address and MINERNAME with the name of your miner.
Wallet: 4Ao1q5gDxf8JjiQBQZBgM8ceP7n79J8iviKoxNTz1JVKPjqYhNp86FiVNYHiin26KiLKo2fAFarP9LUa6v5WURZfCDhrU5p:m1x~ethash
Server: stratum://